A commitment to our service area and the agencies we support translates to our success. The NLCL is committed to listening and responding positively to questions. Our staff will have the heart of a teacher – being honest and transparent as we explain the technical nature of what we do.  


Evidence Intake Section 

Our Evidence Intake Section is responsible for receiving, delivering, returning of evidence submitted to the NLCL.  In 2021, the NLCL transitioned to the Portal - a cloud-based solution to enhance our customer experience.  Along with enhanced security, guaranteed service availability and faster deployment of laboratory reports, the Portal removes the significant capital expenditure in postage and the delay in receiving reports from the NLCL.  

Access to the Portal can be achieved by clicking on icon below.  For additional information about Portal Access for your agency please contact evidence@nlcl.org.

Outside of Our Service Area?

The NLCL is proud of the support we are currently offering Parishes and States outside of our service area.   

If you are interested in setting up an arrangement for contract testing, please contact jjones@nlcl.org for more information.

Currently we are offering support in any of our disciplines and would enjoy working with you or your state.




External link opens in new tab or window

External link opens in new tab or windowLearn About Packaging

Our staff have put together several very informative video demonstrations on proper evidence packaging.  External link opens in new tab or windowClick here to view our YouTube channel.

Our Services


Evidence Receiving & Transport

Any client may drop off evidence at any of our three current locations.  Appointments may be scheduled by contacting any our laboratories by phone (above) or at evidence@nlcl.org.   

Currently the laboratory has a weekly service that transports evidence across all three of our current locations.  This is an added advantage by allowing the customer to drop off any type of evidence at any of our locations, regardless of whether the service is provided at that location.




The NLCL hosts scheduled tours for school groups, collegiate programs, and other interested parties in the legal community.  These tours are typically led by our staff members and are beneficial for a greater understanding of Forensic Science.

Any tour requests should be directed to reception@nlcl.org.

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